America Saves

Throughout Prince George’s County, Prince George’s Saves is helping members of our community build wealth through savings and the reduction of debt. Prince George’s Saves provides tools and tips to help Prince George’s Savers reach their personal financial goals. Membership in Prince George’s Saves is free and offers great benefits and incentives.

Prince George’s Saves is an initiative of the Prince George’s CASH Campaign to encourage residents to increase their financial capability by committing to save. Prince George’s SAVES is part of the national America Saves Campaign 


If you have a need for housing and credit counseling, please let us hear from you. You may call us at 301-567-3330 or you may contact us by email at

Housing Options & Planning Enterprises, Inc.(H.O.P.E.)
6188 Oxon Hill Road, Suite 700
Oxon Hill, MD 20745

301-567-3330 (Office)
301-710-0607 (Fax)